We can make full readymade Vie Faucet website for you with Script, Template, Logo, Server, Domain, Cloudflare Protection & Lifetime support etc are included.
If you need full setup Faucet Website. Please contact:
Support Desk
Below are the features of the script in detail:
Compatible with latest PHP version
Made with bootstrap 4
The document will be provided with you when you buy it.
User authentication with email.
Users can earn coins from Manual Faucet, PTC, Shortlinks, Lottery, Achievements
Strong Anti-cheat system
User history.
Support FaucetPay, ExpressCrypto and Custom Wallet.
Create PTC advertisements and more…
ADMIN Features:
Detailed faucet stats via chart
See user list and history of each user
Ban user
Full control of Manual Faucet, PTC, Shortlinks, Lottery, Achievements
Manually accept/ deny withdrawals or instant withdraw
Create custom pages
Display withdraw amount of each user daily
Faucet Full Setup Site
- Product Code: Faucet Full Setup Site
- Availability: In Stock
Tags: Faucet Full Setup Site